I've put these classes on pause for the moment. Please check out the Library of Experiences for all kinds of recordings you can access for free to build your skills or experience them anew. Monthly meditations include ALiVE Circles and Creator Collectives
Meditation Reset - 15-20 minutes to a new you
This class meets every Thursday for 15-20 minutes at 12pm mountain time (that's 2 pm eastern, 1 pm central, 11 am pacific) on zoom. You can join us one time, or every week - please register for each class and the zoom access code will be sent to you in an email.
These active, guided meditations help create inner space by clearing subtle or heavy energies that can keep you feel distracted or stuck. This is a wonderful practice if:
*your life feels stagnant
*you brace yourself mentally or emotionally for potential negativity
*you find it difficult to forgive, or to release the past
*you’re looking for more peace, generosity or joy in your life
All levels welcome.
Why group meditation?
It's powerful to meditate together. Even though we are separated by distance, the act of meditating together can enhance your experience ('they've' done studies - google it :). Others meditating at the same time can motivate you, help center you, and bring additional calm. Some days you'll be the grounding force, other days you'll lean on the group. As a group, we will step out the busy-ness of life, and into life together!
Why live?
Accountability! It is really easy not to show up for your app :) A set time and place to be will help you commit to do it!
Why online?
So we can have a diverse group from across the country!
Why not set a fee?
I am offering these classes by donation. There is no obligation to pay for meditation guidance in this format. If you are so moved to make a donation - wonderful! See the donate button to the right.
What type of meditation?
I use active guided meditation - meaning I will ask you to play, pretend, and imagine energy in and around your body. We'll use tools to clear energy that isn't serving you to make space for what you want more of. If you've never tried it, join us - you can't do it wrong. If you're a pro, join us - it is different every time!
Free Recordings
Occasionally, I record a class, and offer the recording in the Library of Experiences