How much money do you have? How much money do you feel like you have? That second question is based on your lineage, scarcity, lack, and history in addition to your future plans… and much more complicated than the black or red number in your bank account! We are talking about money because I am raising my ‘suggested prices’ and have a sliding scale opportunity that offers everyone the choice of price. This brings up all kinds of uncomfortableness for some of my clients and participants. I’m sorry to be the person triggering you, yet it is important to me that I offer different ways for payment, giving, receiving, and obligation. For me, changes to our current capitalism system are welcome.
If you just want to know what to pay me - please pay me what your heart desires. Pay me what will make you show up for your session or class. Offering options for free has not worked because they lose their value and many lose their commitment to show up because they don’t have any money in the game. What your heart desires to pay could be a tricky question. And you might even be a little upset that I don’t just pick a price and instead ask you to consider your heart in matters of money. I get it, money is complicated stuff. And so here are some of my reasons for sliding scale and the opportunities I see to get curious about how money affects our feelings of value. An invitation to discover value We could pay based on our VALUES. We can value (put money with) what we value (in our heart). As in my services, we can pay for the experience of connecting with another in the spiritual realm. Ideally that could be how the world works, if you value it you put money with it. But in reality how much money is a much trickier answer. Because $50 to me could have significantly different value for you. How we spend and receive money is based on all kinds of things - how many people we support, family history, personal history, patterning. We’ve all had different opportunities and roadblocks. What opportunities were you perfectly poised to take advantage of because of your family, privilege, class? What roadblocks have prevented you from fully accessing money or created disadvantage? For more on this idea, and for those of you who just want to know ‘what to pay’ - check out this link from RIDEFREEFEARLESSMONEY.COM for guidance on how to decide what to pay. I find these kinds of inventories really helpful in getting me to be really honest about how much money I have (plenty), despite how much money I feel that I have (not enough). I couldn’t know how much you value your money or what circumstances led to those beliefs, so instead of a set price - I’m asking you to investigate and take the opportunity to make a choice about payment. I feel exactly what this quote from the Ride Free Fearless Money website says, “The scale is intended to be a map, inviting each of us to take inventory of our financial resources and look deeper at our levels of privilege. It is a way to challenge the classist and capitalist society we live in and work towards economic justice on a local level. While I ask you to take these factors into consideration, please don’t stress about it. Pay what feels right.” I am a privileged white woman. Please pay what you can freely give, it is important to me that my payment options are inclusive for all. An invitation to be generous I absolutely love what I do, and so often it doesn’t feel like ‘work’. Sometimes that makes accepting money for it more difficult. Similarly, I know I struggle with self-worth. And for me currently, money is still connected to my worth. And I want to make money from my career. That feels good. But here’s the thing… I get that high no matter the number of dollars you pay me! Be free there is no obligation to pay a specific amount, and your ability to pay is no indication of my willingness to serve. Maybe you decide that for you the right price for a reading is $55. Hallelujah! Let that be a generous gift from you for me to receive. Give it freely! And I will receive it with my whole heart - what a gift that you give to me. Your generosity is safe with me. I do good things. I serve with pleasure in my heart. I know that my success is not tied to my money. My success is in living a joy filled life. An invitation to explore shame What I find fascinating about shame and money is some people feel shame for not having enough while others feel shame for having too much! Money is an equal opportunity shame trigger. In any case, shame says, “I am not good enough”. Not true my friend, - you are a glorious light being. Here to help create world peace. You deserve nice things on your journey. Consider how shame affects your money space - in how you spend it, receive it, and treasure it. If you don’t pay at the top of the scale, are you less worthy? NO! You have paid what you can give freely in this life, and that is a gift. If you pay to the top of the scale, are you better than someone else? Also nope. You have paid what you can give freely in this life, and that is a gift. And if you can give more freely, please do! Money is an opportunity There have been times that I pay at the top of sliding scales, at the bottom of sliding scales, and somewhere in the middle. I want you to know that I’ve participated at all points and want you to feel comfortable choosing what feels right for you. “When I pay more, I know that I am helping others to access the event. When I pay in the middle, I know I am helping the organizers cover costs. And when I pay at the bottom, I know I am letting my community hold me and support me. All of these are wonderful and acceptable ways of participating.” ( I thank you for starting to explore money, if you want to do a meditation with money, check out this ALiVE Circle Recordings, - Titled Money Energy and as always - pay what you can.
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