![]() This is a story with many folds, layers, connections and a few right turns. I went for a hike by myself on a lovely spring day. The trail was icy and muddy in spots and I didn’t wear boots or spikes. I was nearing the end having had the most fabulous hike, when I had to go down a very, very, very muddy incline. In my attempt to avoid the worst of it, I stepped on a rock, my foot slipped and I slid on my right side down the hill until the bone above my eye connected with the rock my foot had just slipped on. I was bruised and very, very, very muddy - but not broken. I managed to give myself a black eye hiking! I was embarrassed, but so grateful that I was only bruised and near the end of my hike and not lost up on the trail somewhere. I couldn’t believe it was my right eye. In the previous months, I had hurt my right shin, right lower back, right pinky finger, and now my right eye. Sure, I could just be clumsy. But it was too much for my right side to not be something a little more, and I felt I needed to turn right. What this meant to me was that I needed to turn to the masculine* qualities within me and get productive, to start doing what I was dreaming about, to put the details in action. There were a few new programs that I was scared to launch, and I had been avoiding writing for a long time. It seemed like maybe my right side was wanting some attention - turn right, get to work, and write. So I leaned in and I launched another Creator Collective and the ALiVE Healing Circles, all the while writing every day. I love writing, as I sit down to write every morning I can’t wait. I could feel the masculine and feminine energies rebalancing within me. I could sense I was resisting power and much of the masculine aspects, and I held the space for healing this resistance. Then the eclipses came. And the monsters of doubt in my head grew stronger, coming to the stage with a ‘maybe I should just stop’ idea. (I had barely begun!) I kept going with support from my guides who reminded me OFTEN that I could do this and helped me pull the healing vibrations through to these new programs. Participants loved them, but doubt doesn’t listen to sense. My body started to get tired, which it does when doubt takes over and I do too much ‘other stuff’ to avoid feeling the doubt. And then in divine beauty, my husband insisted I take a trip to Sedona to attend a retreat with some of my favorite spiritual teachers, Matt and Joy Kahn, and do some hiking. My mom gave me a book about the vortexes in Sedona years ago and I have always wanted to visit. As I was there, I was really missing my mom (she died in Sept 2022). I reached out to her friends and they sent me this picture of my mom from a trip they took to Sedona together. The next day, I went for a hike to one of the vortex sites at Bell Rock. Vortexes amplify energy you carry. I intended to carry my mom and love with me. The trail was a loop and I chose (unconsciously) the direction that would have Bell Rock and the Vortex on my right side. I was hiking along, and I stopped. I stepped just the right side of the trail, there were no other humans around and I distinctly felt a mother energy. My mother’s energy was there too but this was The mother rather than my mother. A compassion greater than any one person or spirit or planet. The mother was vibrating, pulsing, expanding and contracting. The feelings that stayed with me were compassion and power. It was an energy that had come to be with me and guide my way to set down all of the hate I carried. So I could be free. I stopped to write. ![]() Then I continued my loop hike to the right, following the trail. With each step, I intentionally set down the weighted heavy energy that was limiting my power. And wouldn't you know it, then I came upon this sign - I love it when signs become SIGNS. I took my picture as a reminder to keep creating with feminine AND masculine energies and go slow if I need to. The mother is with us all, if we only allow her into our hearts we receive the power that is us. May you use the power within you to create your most fulfilling reality for the well being of all. *Want to know more about masculine and feminine energies in your body? Check out this ALiVE Circle Recording. We all have both, regardless of gender.
Ali SweeneyProfessional Clairvoyant Energy Healer Archives
October 2024
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